
Kingston International College is dedicated to maintaining high standards of education and compliance. Below are the key policy documents that outline our procedures and guidelines to ensure a transparent and supportive learning environment.


The aim of this policy is to provide refund and cancellations information and conditions to all stakeholders of Kingston International College.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remains compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 2.1.7 and standard 3.4.2 and

B. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 where applicable and

C. RTO standards 2015 standard 5.3, standard 8 and Schedule 6.


The aim of this policy is to provide information to all stake holders of Kingston International College in regard to:
A. Student-initiated course deferral and
B. Student-initiated course suspension and
C. Student-initiated course cancellation.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 7 and Standard 9 and
B. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 where applicable and
C. RTO standards 2015 Standard 4 and Standard 5 and
D. Overseas students Ombudsman


The aim of this policy is to provide information to all stakeholders of Kingston International College regarding:
A. Conditions to attain competency in a unit of competency and
B. Reassessment conditions and fees incurred and
C. Conditions in which a student is required to re-enrol a course.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 8 and
B. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Section 19 where applicable.


This policy aims to provide information regarding current practices of Kingston International College in respect to:
A. Course progress reviews and
B. Pre-requisite of specific units of competency and
C. Attendance requirements and
D. Classroom requirements and
E. Student code of conduct.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 8 and
B. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Section 19 where applicable and
C. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 where applicable and
D. Anti-Discrimination Act 2022 where applicable and
E. Migration Act 1958 where applicable.


This policy aims to provide active students and potential students with information relative to:
A. The complaints procedure and
B. The appeal procedure.

The aim of this policy is also to manage fairly and equitable and respond to allegations involving the conduct of:
A. Kingston International College, its trainers, assessors or other staff or
B. A third-party providing services on the RTO’s behalf, its trainers, assessors or other staff or
C. A student at Kingston International College.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 10 and
B. Standards for RTO 2015 Standard 6.


This policy aims to provide potential education agents and potential migration agents on steps to be taken to:
A. Become a Kingston International College (here-in KIC) education / migration agent and
B. Information regarding the procedure for claiming commissions payable for a recruited KIC student from the respective agent.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 Standard 4 and
B. Education Services for Overseas Student Act 2000.


This policy aims to provide information regarding current practices of Kingston International College in respect to:
A. Course fees which must be honoured by any student and
B. Terms and/or conditions where a student can incur a notice of intention to cancel their confirmation of enrolment (NOITC).


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Kingston International College remain compliant with relevant legislative and regulative requirements such as, but not limited to:

A. National Code 2018 Standard 9 and
B. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Section 19 where applicable and
C. Standards for RTO 2015 Standard 3