Consent for Use of Photographs, Recordings, Quotes, and Testimonials

Kingston International College (KIC) provides information via marketing and advertising by promoting nationally recognised training products.

As part of this communication role, KIC uses photos, digital images, video and audio recordings, quotes and testimonials in various publications, campaigns, advertising and on websites, social media platforms and channels.

KIC seeks your consent to use photos, digital images, or audio or video recordings taken of you or quotes or testimonials from you for use in these communication initiatives (the ‘Agreed Purpose’).

Acknowledgement and consent: I acknowledge that I:

  • am over the age of 18 years OR I am the parent/guardian of a person who is under 18 years and have the legal authority to give consent;
  • have read the contents of this form;
  • understand the Agreed Purpose of publication of images or recordings of me, or quotes or testimonials from me, including possible use on the Internet and other social media platforms;
  • understand that KIC does not guarantee that any images, recordings, quotes or testimonials will necessarily be used;
  • understand that copyright in the images or recordings, or documents containing the quotes or testimonials will vest with KIC;
  • understand that I will not be given the original of the image or recording of me and may not be given the original document containing the quote or testimonial from me (if any);
  • consent to the Department giving my image, recording, quote or testimonial to another Australian Government department or agency; and
  • consent to the publication, by KIC of images or recordings of me, or quotes or testimonials from me for the Agreed Purpose with any reasonable retouching or alteration (including extracts, cut downs or stills).

KIC is required to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles under Schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 when collecting personal information about you. Personal information includes photos and recordings.  

APP privacy policy which you can read at

You should understand that personal information published on the Internet is accessible to anyone with access to the Internet, from anywhere in the world. While the contents of the KIC web site are protected by copyright, once information has been published on the Internet, KIC has no control over its subsequent use and disclosure.

KIC is required to comply with ASQA Standards for RTOs 2015: Chapter 1—Marketing and recruitment: Clause 4.1 c. [refers to another person or organisation in its marketing material only if the consent of that person or organisation has been obtained]

“If you use any reference to another person or organisation (such as testimonials or photos) in marketing or advertising material, you must gain consent from the person or organisation before you make that reference public. This applies to, for example, displaying photos of other training or educational institutions on your website, which can lead people to believe your RTO operates those facilities.”

You may also refer to: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 1: Marketing information and practices.