ELICOS General English Program

ELICOS General English Program

4 levels: Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate • Direct entry • CRICOS Course Code: 050601E

ELICOS General English program is a course suitable for students who wish to improve their English proficiency , notably for those who wish to engage into VET education or higher education. ELICOS provides different levels of English learning which focuses on improving reading, writing, listening and speaking proficiencies and where applicable, vocabulary and grammar.

The table below shows comparisons between various test scores which helps a potential student or student of KIC understand their score or current level in English Proficiencies. These score are simply indicative. https://ielts.org/organisations/ielts-for-organisations/compare-ielts

AQF stands for Australian Qualification Framework while KIC stands for Kingston International College.


Tuition$2725.00 per term
Total course amountDepends on duration

Payment Terms & Conditions

  • The Application fee must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE.
  • The Commitment fee* must be paid in full by students taking this course individually.
    • The Commitment fee will be adjusted/credited back to the student’s final term’s instalment of the course. See our Refund Policy for Terms & Conditions.
  • The Resource fee must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE.
  • The Tuition fee for First Term / Term 1 must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE. From Term 2 onwards, the remaining balance must be paid in equal termly instalments or as per the letter of offer.
  • All fees advertised are in Australian Dollars (AUD).


  • 12 weeks to 52 weeks.
  • Elementary level (10 academic weeks)
  • Pre-intermediate level (10 academic weeks)
  • Intermediate level (10 academic weeks)
  • Upper-intermediate level (10 academic weeks)
  • Mandatory scheduled classes: 2.5 days weekly
  • 20 hours of academic contact weekly

Entry Requirements

  • KIC’s Language Literacy Numeracy and Digital (LLND) test to identify the appropriate level of English.

Course Modules

1READING PROFICIENCYAbility to read in plain and simple English language.Nil20 hours weekly
2SPEAKING PROFICIENCYAbility to verbally communicate in English LanguageNil
3WRITING PROFICIENCYAbility to interpret verbal data through verbal communication in English languageNil
4LISTENING PROFICIENCYAbility to interpret verbal data through verbal communication in English languageNil