SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management

SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management

(Pathway)(CRICOS Course Code: 111264H)

This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations. They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector as a departmental or small business manager. The diversity of employers includes restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for acquiring targeted skills in accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage and gaming.
The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

AQF stands for Australian Qualification Framework while KIC stands for Kingston International College.


Total course amount$6,300.00

Payment Terms & Conditions

  • The Application fee must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE.
  • The Commitment fee* must be paid in full by students taking this course individually.
    • The Commitment fee will be adjusted/credited back to the student’s final term’s instalment of the course. See our Refund Policy for Terms & Conditions.
    • This fee does not apply to students enrolled in a structured course package, such as the pathway from SIT50422 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery to SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management and SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management.
  • The Resource fee must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE.
  • The Tuition fee for First Term / Term 1 must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a COE. From Term 2 onwards, the remaining balance must be paid in equal termly instalments or as per the letter of offer.
  • All fees advertised are in Australian Dollars (AUD).


  • Total Duration: 26 weeks (20 academic weeks + 4/6 weeks of study breaks depending on Christmas)
  • Scheduled Classes: 2 days per week (mandatory)
  • Academic Support: 1 day per week (Fridays)
  • Academic Contact Hours: 20 hours per week

Entry Requirements

  • Successful completion of SIT30821 Cert III in Commercial Cookery and SIT40521 Cert IV in Kitchen Management.
  • Achieve at least a score of IELTS 6.0, PTE 50, TOEFL 64, CEA 169, or OET B overall test result.

Course Packaging Rule

Units marked with an *asterisk have one or more prerequisites.
1SITXCCS015Enhance customer service experiencesNil3
2SITXCCS016Develop and manage quality customer service practicesNil3
3SITXCOM010Manage conflictNil1 (credit)
4SITXFIN009Manage finances within a budgetNil2 (credit)
5SITXFIN010Prepare and monitor budgetsNil5
6SITXGLC002Identify and manage legal risks and comply with lawNil5
7SITXHRM008Roster staffNil2 (credit)
8SITXHRM009Lead and manage peopleNil1 (credit)
9SITXMGT004Monitor work operationsNil2 (credit)
10SITXMGT005Establish and conduct business relationshipsNil3
11SITXWHS007Implement and monitor work health and safety practicesNil2 (credit)
17 ELECTIVE UNITS (1 Elective unit from Group A + 1 unit from Group B + 15 units from Group C)
12SITXFSA005 (Group A)Use hygienic practices for food safetyNil1 (credit)
13SITHCCC023* (Group C)Use food preparation equipmentSITXFSA0051.5 (credit)
14SITHCCC027* (Group C)Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookerySITXFSA0051.5 (credit)
15SITHCCC028* (Group C)Prepare appetisers and saladsSITXFSA0051.5 (credit)
16SITHCCC029* (Group C)Prepare stocks, sauces and soupsSITXFSA0052 (credit)
17SITHCCC030* (Group C)Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishesSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272 (credit)
18SITHCCC031* (Group C)Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishesSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272 (credit)
19SITHCCC035* (Group C)Prepare poultry dishesSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272 (credit)
20SITHCCC036* (Group C)Prepare meat dishesSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272.5 (credit)
21SITHCCC037* (Group C)Prepare seafood dishesSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272 (credit)
22SITHCCC041* (Group C)Produce cakes, pastries and breadsSITXFSA0053 (credit)
23SITHCCC042* (Group C)Prepare food to meet special dietary requirementsSITXFSA005, SITHCCC0272 (credit)
24SITXFSA006 (Group C)Participate in safe food handling practicesNil1 (credit)
25SITXFSA008* (Group C)Develop and implement a food safety programSITXFSA005, SITXFSA0062 (credit)
26SITXINV007 (Group C)Purchase goodsNil1 (credit)
27SITHIND006 (Group C)Source and use information on the hospitality industryNil1
28SITHCCC043* (Group B)Work effectively as a cook (Minimum of 48 workbased training sessions)SITXFSA005, SITHCCC0271 (credit)
Academic weeks20 weeks
Course study breaks (Depending on Christmas period)4 to 6 weeks
Total course duration for 6 units of competency
(22 red-highlighted units credited from SIT40521 Cert IV KM and SIT30821 Cert III CC)
26 weeks